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Greg Nanigian & Associates, Inc. | Braintree, MA


Within the professional buyer/seller environment, preferences and practices have altered dramatically since the spring of 2020. In many sectors, the dynamic between buyer and seller has changed in fundamental ways. Some of these changes, according to a new Sandler Research Center report, What Buyers Want and How Buyers Work, tend to favor the buyer.

Question: When should you tell your spouse that you love them?
Answer: Before someone else does!
The same basic principle holds true for your clients and customers. Your best clients really are your competitor’s best prospects. That’s why every sales professional should include specific customer success behaviors in their account plan to maximize the client onboarding experience, build and protect the relationship, expand the account, and generate repeat business and referrals. This is not a “customer service” issue. It’s a customer success issue, and we need to think of it that way!